All of our Visa's are back safe and sound now so we are all ready to go. Now we sit and wait for our travel assignments. We are told we shouldn't expect them more than a couple weeks before we have to step on the airplane so that explain's why we don't have them yet. The agency tells us to still plan for May. May 1st is eight weeks from our referral so that is what we are planning around, give-or-take a week or so. Hopefully our travel approval and itinerary will be coming very soon.
Even Misty is waiting and wondering why all these new things are showing up in this room. I guess she figures it is all for her since she even lets Jenny practice pushing the umbrella stroller all around the house with her in it. Won't she be surprised in a few weeks!!!
Stay tuned....
Now that the "paperwork" is falling into place, you know it is winding-down to the actual trip to pick up Olivia!! How exciting for the entire family - a very special time for all of you and such an honor to have the entire family go to China. We are sooooo anxious to have little Olivia join in our family functions & be "spoiled" like the rest of the family.
Love to all of you.
Cindie & Bob
I'm thinking you might have to get a double stroller. Poor Misty! hahaha
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