Here are a couple more poses from when we had Olivia's first year pictures taken. She is really making progress that can be seen almost daily. She now easily sits up, goes into a crawl, crawls across the room to something she can pull herself up to a stand on and takes off. We have to move furniture around to block doorways and corners so she has a cushioned fall. She falls pretty easily yet so we're trying to prevent any major "ouches" until she is a little more aware of how much falling can hurt. She is still pretty oblivious to the fact that she will probably fall when she is trying to run down the hall.
Our next goal is to be able to stand up on her own without having to use something to pull herself up on.
The days really go by even faster now since she gets more and more active with her new-found independence. And, I'm sure the days will not slow down for quite some time.
She has also been sitting up and standing up in her crib while waiting for me to come in to get her from her naps.
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