Until you have lived through this you have no idea how much time, thought and work goes into an international adoption. Just the packing lists can be a little overwhelming for a two week trip out of the country. Here's an example of what is needed....
Just for your new babyDiapers, wet ones, disposable changing pads, disposable diaper bags, tissues, nail clippers, teething rings, pacifiers, bottles, nipples, plastic eating utensils (or try to feed her with chopsticks), backpack diaper bag, bibs, thermos for warm water, formula, snacks like raisins, cheerios, biscuits, variety of clothes in a variety of sizes, socks, jacket, sleepers, blanket, toys, cups, plastic keys, small books, bath toys, an entire pharmacy of medications since you have no idea what her current health is, lotion, shampoo, insect repellent, sunscreen, sterile syringes, etc.
For us x 4Money, money belts, a large binder carrying the stack of necessary paperwork to take along, many Zip-Lok bags, baby carrier, video camera with tape and extra battery, international converter, DVD player with movies, digital camera, disposable cameras for the kids, pillow covers, travel size laundry detergent and dish soap, toiletries, duct tape, snacks, clothing, passports/visa's, 171-H form, I-600 form, travel notice, office supplies, telephone numbers, doctor and insurance information, a pharmacy of meds in case of colds or stomach problems, sanitizer soap, wet wipes, extra toothbrushes in case you run your first one under the water, gifts for the orphanage, gifts for directors, etc. Don't forget the airline tickets!!
I think we are pretty well set with everything we need. The next step is to figure out how to take it all with a minimal amount of luggage. Plus, we have to plan for room in the luggage to bring back souvenirs and still carry an 11 month old baby. Don't forget about getting everything ready at home and set up for our return with a new family member.