We set our feet back on American soil on May 26th, 2007 with our new daughter, Olivia Elizabeth Boaxing Pitz and can't remember life before we got her in China. The journey has been very exciting and Olivia keeps our lives happy and looking forward to each new day
The pictures are awesome Dawn. I love reading your updates. You can hear the excitement in your typed words. Honest! Like everyone I can't wait to hear the stories, see the pictures, and meet Olivia in person. Until next time...take care, feel better Jenny, miss you guys. Kathy
The pictures are precious - Olivia is getting prettier every day! Love those eyes!! I am so happy to hear about all your adventures -except for the sicknesses tho - big bummer about that :(... Brian was sick (more the first time than the 2nd) when we were in Russia so I can somewhat empathize with you all--and we didn't have a baby to care for at the time! I am SO HAPPY you went to see the orphanage and were able to get pictures - those will be very precious to all of you in the future - and it looks very nice too. Little wierd about them having you put her in the crib but hey, never know what they were thinking ?!?! Go with the flow, right! Mommy-hood looks good on you and Jenny looks like a wonderful helper! Feel better, Jenny! Ok, enough from me... One week almost down, one to go! Debbie
PS - Comments from home are SOOO appreciated when you're far away -- I hope you get lots more! :) :) It's easy to do!
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