Thanks to Allen and Marilyn I can send some pictures quick. Might be the last ones before flying home but will try again tomorrow. Otherwise wait until you can see the real Olivia. We are doing well but all of us agree, China is nice but we cannot wait to get home!!
Enjoy the pictures and keep checking in case I have another chance to post.
Thanks for the comments!! It is so much fun to read them and have that connection with home!!
Take care and see you soon,
The Pitz Family
Wow - when you compare the 1st pix you posted & the most recent ones you can see the difference you are all making in a small child's life!! The wonderful smiles that Olivia (and all of you) have spreads & warms the ol'heart!! I can't wait to see her, hold her, love her & enjoy being there while she grows up!! What a lifetime experience for all of you to be across the globe enjoying the cultural differences of China & having a part of their heritage now in your own family!! As much as you miss being home, we miss all of you as well.
We'll check the UAL website & make sure your flight is on time Saturday. We'll meet you in Terminal 5 - as close to "arrivals" as they will let us go. Bob will have his cell on him if you want to confirm where you are if you don't see us jumping for joy at the 1st sight of all of you!! 414-416-7396...
Take care, enjoy your last 2 days in China & the variety of paperwork/visas that still need to be completed. Hopefully with the long flights, Olivia will do as well as she has most of this trip - what a trooper!!
Cindie & Bob
What a treat this morning to see all the happy faces in the pictures.Only three days till we see them in person & can't wait. Olivia seems to really be coming into her happy self. What a cutie.
See you all real soon. Take care!!
Love, MOM
Hey there Pitz Family
The photos are sooooo cute.... I cannot wait to personally see Olivia and of course the rest of you. Everyone looks happy and at the same time like you said ready to come home. It sure sounds like youve had great and smooth process. We'll get together to hear the many stories.
Take care, have a safe flight home and we'll call you next week.
Love to all
Like everyone else noticed....wow, the smiles!! You're almost home now. I can't wait to see you guys. Oh, the stories we'll all hear! We leave today for our fossil hunting trip. See ya when we're all back and all of you are rested up and ready for visitors. Take care and have a safe flight. Kathy
WOW! she's adorable! It's sounds like China's a blast. haha. It's good to hear that you had a safe trip and everyone had a good time. I can't wait to see you all again. Love Kendra
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