Thursday, May 17, 2007


Olivia is sitting on my lap right now so I am putting pictures out until Steve gets to the room.

More in a minute.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update & pix from Tuesday/Wed. She is sooo cute & we're so happy that she is bonding with all of you. Does Kyle like holding her or feeding her? I can only imagine how hard it had to be to go back to the orphanage & then watch as they put her back in her own bed - so glad she "velcroed" to you!! She is so cute & has a wonderful smile. Some day she will want to know every detail you know of her past & the area she was born in - now you have it along with the video & pictures to jog the brain in years to come.

I laughed when you said you ordered burgers - We do that on vacations too - can only take so much "local" or "healthy" foods & the ol' body asks for the dose of grease & beef!! I had heard that the major cities have been "westernized" & you can find much of the same foods we have here - the outlying areas are probably another story. I hope Jenny is feeling better - no fun being sick when there is so much to see & do!!

It sounds like you are kept busy all day - from getting all 5 of you ready for the day, eating & being ready for the next tour. I would love to see a live panda bear - they look so cuddly.

This week will fly back & you will be back in the USA - savor the moments left in China & keep up with the journal, video & pix - everyone will want to know EVERY detail about the trip.

See you next weekend!!
Love to all of you
Bob & Cindie